Why pay more if you can save money and get the body you have always dreamed about?

Hello and Welcome to
Uniquely sculpted

We specialize in developing customized nonsurgical body contouring treatment  plans, that address all of your body concerns, and give you the results you desire.  

Our treatments are all noninvasive, painless and requires no downtime or  recovery. Plans are customized by combining treatment therapies for maximum,  undeniable results. 

We provide a safe and relaxing environment. Our philosophy is always centered  around the comfort of our clients and providing exceptional customer service  from the time you walk through the door. 

We listen to understand our clients’ concerns. We understand everybody is  different and unique, therefore we offer a full body contouring program custom  designed for every client. 

Our expertise and advanced level treatment protocols deliver fast, visible long lasting results. 

At Uniquely Sculpted we pride ourselves on providing our clients with a Top Tier  body contouring experience.

Our Work is art

We focus on quality artwork that looks simply beautiful.

My name is
Tondee Marshay,

I am a certified body contour specialist. I was  inspired to start Uniquely Sculpted because I, like many others have body image  issues, and are looking for ways to get the body we desire without invasive  surgical procedures. 

I became passionate about non-invasive body contouring in 2019, when I opened  the doors to Uniquely Sculpted. I believe body contouring is an art, that takes skill  and expertise to get the best results, and I am committed in providing just that.

Be your own kind of beautiful.

I aim to achieve two goals: 

  1. Provide the very best result from the body treatments we offer.
  2. Provide a Top Tier experience that goes beyond expectation. 

Book NOW, we can’t wait to help you achieve your Uniquely Sculpted Body.

Discover how we can help!

Real Results, from our Clients


Our work is appreciated by the many people who trust and recommend us. 

June 27, 2022


Hey! I'm going to book with you again for tomorrow lol. The results were so good.

Kevin Wright
June 24, 2022
Kevin Wright
June 24, 2022

Amazing owner and amazing service. Keep up the amazing work.

Salena A.
February 11, 2021

Salena A.

''I was skeptical at first, but after seeing massive results following only one session I became an instant believer. Thank you, Tondee, for helping me love my body again!''

Frequently Asked Questions

  • It’s non invasive
  • No down time
  • No risk of infection
  • Pain Free
  • No Side Effects

300 to 700 Calories.

The fat that is destroyed is permanent. However if you are not following a healthy eating plan and exercising more fat can be added. 

The amount of sessions needed will vary, depending on the severity of the area and your overall goal. (This can be discussed during your visit.)

  • Under 18 years of age
  • Pregnant or breast feeding
  • Skin Infections and diseases
  • Epilepsy
  • During Menstruation
  • Cancer
  • Thyroid disease or other abnormal disorders
  • Allergic to allied materials
  • Severe high blood pressure
  • Liver or Kidney disease
  • Infectious diseases
  • Hemorrhagic disease

Contact Us

  • Our Location
    745 Hansell St. SE. Suite 307
  • Atlanta, Ga 30312
  • Phone Number
    (404) 246-5755
  • Hours Of Operation
    Mon-Wed: 7am-5pm
    Thurs-Sat: 7am-7pm
    Sun: 9am-6pm